Blog - Raidt Design
Raidt Design was founded on principles of suggesting the best solutions with a realistic budget.
Design, Graphic Design, Web Design, Illustration, Wordpress, Drupal, Raidt Design, Consulting, Freelance
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Art, Design, Exploration / 31.08.2018

I was asked to help some friends at Misplaced Screenprinting to help them do a trial run of a class they are planning on teaching soon. They wanted to go through the process of creating and making screen printed material. I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to do some practice on using my iPad and Pencil to create a new illustration. This illustration came to me during all the latest news and I thought it could be an interesting exercise in trying to display a complicated subject black and white. I then did another exercise where I did a quick coloring in the same way. ...

Branding, Design, Exploration, Projects, UI/UX, web / 09.07.2018

Several years ago I was asked to join a small team of developers to help concept and design a fun sports betting simulation game on the Facebook app platform. At the time Flash was sun setting for development of these types of games on the platform. We had to make the site with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript along with all the services the rest of the team were setting up. I worked with the team and designer to help get all the requirements and functionality into a small amount of real estate and have several layers of interactivity for all the data that potentially needed to be shared. We also wanted to have the site be visually engaging. First we came...

Design, Exploration, Projects / 22.06.2018

I got a request for some quick explorations for an Frank & Zed: An All-Puppet Monster Movie. I had the opportunity to do a couple quick passes on some concepts on limited assets and direction. It was fun to take an existing one-color shirt illustration used and to explore an experience with the use of color. The other approach was to use some of the available onset photos with some stock photos to create a poster that would show the actual puppets and sets, along with keeping is clean and legible from a distance....

Design, Projects, UI/UX / 12.11.2017

This project was one where we took over for another team. We had to have long communications and data to help come up with a tool that engineers would be able to access quickly and easily on a tablet. It was all new and evolving technology and concepts. This made the request to have this have several ways the project could adjust and still be approachable by the engineers. These wireframes represent the long-term vision for the interactive prototype and serve as the foundation upon which the proof of concept was built. The team expanded on the work of the AT&T team by utilizing the “ping-pong” chart concept for displaying call flow data as it moves through the 4G LTE Network....

Design, Projects, UI/UX, web / 26.05.2017

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]This is an "oldie but goodie". This was a large project to research and prototype a potential collateral builder for software partner's to have available online. Our team reviewed the requirements and I created this wireframe and early comps. This was before there was any title of "UI/UX".
Uncategorized / 23.12.2016

You I have been working the last few weeks to set up my tools to slow barrier of entry back into illustration. I found this article that I personally believe calls the benefits correctly. http://lifehacker.com/make-yourself-happier-by-doing-one-creative-thing-every-1790420037...

Business / 08.09.2015

Portland, OR: We're Proud to announce the new business and site for RAIDT DESIGN. We're excited to see where this new adventure will lead us. Raidt Design is more than just great designs. We're the agency your mother warned you about. Edgy, Rebellious, Creative. From web development to branding, at Raidt Design you don't have to worry about your idea getting lost in the maze of miscommunication. The "team's" lifelong experience working together guarantees that we will hear your ideas and bring them to life. Feel free to reach out to us if you, or someone you know would like to see how RAIDT DESIGN might be able to help you....

Business, Client Process / 07.07.2015

I have always loved this comic strip of the general experience of many team members in web and app projects. I have worked over the years trying to figure out ways to simplify and improve the experience all team members encounter. I believe much has to do with communication and setting manageable expectations. Many times people are silo'd into their respective fields of knowledge and expertise. But, this sometimes tend to set-up confusion and frustration for clients, and members of a project team. Some of the experiences I have had came down to the initial project pitch and project brief not properly making it clear what the client may be asking for goals and management. Many times the first phase of discovery is ignored, and/or...